Q: Where can i see the border collies in action?

We only use the highest quality herding dogs you can find and they are impressive to see work. Feel free to visit our YouTube or Instagram page linked at the bottom of the page. Also we can come out to your site and perform a free no obligation demonstration with one of our dogs.

Q: What is the cost of your service?

Pricing varies on the site location, size, accessibility, surrounding area, number and size of ponds and lakes.  We offer a free no obligation demonstration with our dogs to evaluate your site.  We will then email a proposal to you within 24 hours. 

Q: What type of sites do you service?

Our client base consists of business parks, corporate centers, municipalities, universities, schools, parks, playgrounds, federal/state government, golf courses, cemeteries, and residential communities. At this time, we do not service private properties.

Q: How long will it take to control my goose problem?

It is difficult to assess the length of time.  This depends highly on the site and time of year.  Typically, you will start to notice a reduction of geese in about 7 days and a much larger drop in numbers within 2-3 weeks.

Q: why can’t i use my dog (or any other breed)?

We only use working Border Collies because it is the only dog breed among other herding dogs that use a wolf-like stare called the "eye."  This intense stare influences the flock into flight or movement.  The geese perceive this stalking manner as predatory behavior and threatening.  The geese are never touched and are perfectly safe.  All other dogs are perceived as a nuisance and not a threat so the geese do not leave long term and will always come back.

Q: where do the geese flock to after they leave my site?

The will geese fly somewhere that they are not bothered, feel safe, and have a water and food source. By nature geese are lazy animals and don't like to move repeatedly. Once they find a new area they will remain there.

Q: i have a sick/hurt goose in my yard, will you come remove it?

We do not treat, remove, or rescue geese. If you have an injured goose or a goose in immediate danger, please contact your local animal control services.


We offer addling and emergency nest removal services. A permit is needed for us to handle any eggs or nests. We will get the permit on your behalf from the US Fish & Wildlife Service and submit the year end report to them as well. Chesapeake Goose Control highly suggests addling of nests during the nesting season.


If your question is not answered here, please don’t hesitate to call or email us at anytime.